Home / Blog / Nine charged with DUI in separate incidents

Nine charged with DUI in separate incidents

May 29, 2023May 29, 2023

Aug 10, 2023

At midnight on March 28, Lycoming Regional Police were dispatched to the 120000 block of Route 220 South for a traffic accident.

While on their way to the accident, police saw a 2006 Ford Focus facing the wrong direction, with heavy front end damage in the 107000 block of State Route 220 South.

The driver, Laura Kitchen, of 26 Shady Lane, Lock Haven, repeatedly attempted to open the drivers door despite it being pinned against the guardrail. Kitchen had glassy, bloodshot eyes, an odor of alcohol, and needed assistance walking, court documents state.

Kitchen stated that she had two drinks after work, and was headed to Lock Haven. Kitchen was unaware that she had been in an accident, believing that her car had just stopped working. She was lethargic, displaying slurred speech, and was difficult to understand, police allege.

Kitchen was evaluated by EMS, but found to not be injured. She was not asked to take a field sobriety test due to inability to stand or walk unaided, according to court documents. Kitchen had a BAC of 0.15.She was charged with DUI, 3 summary offenses, and released from custody.

In another case, Matthew Reeder was charged with DUI, reckless driving, and a summary offense following an incident on June 3.

Lycoming Regional Police were dispatched to Weis Markets, 1440 Allegheny St., for a male who had repeatedly failed to back into a parking space near a cart coral.

Upon arriving, police discovered two men at the truck, the younger of which, Reeder, was the owner.

Reeder stated that he was visiting his father at his residence, when he was asked to move the vehicle, a 1999 Ford pickup truck, to allow for the neighbors to drive through the alley. Reeder then drove to the Weis parking lot in order to have it towed the next day, as it was not running properly, court documents state. After being unsuccessful in his attempts, Reeder’s father came over and parked it for him.

Police detected a strong odor of alcohol from Reeder, and observed that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy. He also had slurred speech and failed a field sobriety test, according to police. Reeder had a BAC of 0.29.

In another case, Lindsay Winchester, 1405 Cemetery St., Jersey Shore, was charged with DUI, speeding in excess of 20 mph, and possession of marijuana.

During traffic surveillance at 10:45 p.m. on Feb. 24, police clocked a 2012 Jeep Cherokee traveling 75 mph in a posted 55 mph zone.

While speaking with the driver, police detected the odor of burnt marijuana coming from the vehicle, and observed Winchester having dilated pupils and glassy, bloodshot eyes, according to police.

Winchester stated to police that she has a medical marijuana card, and had smoked prior to leaving her residence, court documents said.

Upon further questioning, Winchester told police she had 2 cigar wraps containing marijuana in her purse, police allege.

Lab results confirmed the presence of marijuana in Winchester’s blood.

In another case, Brett Wheeland, of 1030 Market St., was stopped by Pennsylvania State Police at 2:15 a.m. on Dec. 10, 2022, after police noted an inoperable registration light on his 2009 Toyota Corolla. Wheeland also failed to stop before a clearly marked stop line at Market Street and Washington Boulevard in the city, according to court documents.

Upon approaching the vehicle, police detected the odor of marijuana and alcohol coming from the vehicle. Wheeland’s speech was thick and low, and he stated to police that he had consumed two drinks, and he was wearing a wristband from The Bar on Market, an affidavit said.

Wheeland failed a field sobriety test, and admitted to having eaten an edible, but said that he had not used any marijuana in the past seven hours, police allege.

Wheeland had a BAC of 0.02. Labs also confirmed the presence of THC in his blood at the time of testing.

He was charged with DUI, 2 summary offenses, waived a preliminary hearing, and released on $5,000 bail.

In another case, on April 25, Lindsay Bliss, of 1435 Little Pine Rd., Jersey Shore was stopped by Pennsylvania State Police after being observed traveling 81 mph in a posted 55 mph zone in the area of Route 180 in Loyalsock Township.

Bliss initially refused to stop her 2022 Chevrolet Silverado, and police had to box Bliss in against the guardrails, according to court documents.

Upon inspection of the vehicle, police discovered a handgun and a loaded magazine. Bliss, who was not licensed to carry, was restless, and had bloodshot and glassy eyes, police allege.

During questioning, Bliss admitted to police that she used methamphetamine on a daily basis. During a search of the vehicle, a bottle containing a granulated white substance, and THC gummies were found within the vehicle.

Bliss failed a field sobriety test, and refused to have her blood drawn for testing.

She was charged with DUI, carrying a firearm without a permit, possession of marijuana, attempting to flee an officer, excessive speeding, and careless driving, and released.

In another case, at 7:15 p.m. on March 30, Javier Alicea-Little, of 816 Market St., was stopped near the Reach Road exit on South Route 220 after Pennsylvania State Police clocked him traveling 86 mph in a posted 55 mph zone.

When speaking with Alicea-Little, police detected a strong masking odor, and faint smell of burnt marijuana coming from the 2016 Chrysler 200. Alicea-Little admitted that he did not have a license, provided police with a Pa. State ID, and a database search revealed Alicea-Little’s license to be suspended, according to an affidavit.

Alicea-Little stated to police that he did not have a medical marijuana card. During a failed field sobriety test, the odor of burnt marijuana was detected from Alicea-Little’s breath and clothing, police allege.

Lab results were positive for the presence of THC.

Alicea-Little was charged with DUI, excessive speeding, driving on a suspended license, and a summary charge, and released.

In another case, at midnight on Nov. 12, 2022, Allyson Bower, of 433 Percy St., South Williamsport, was observed by Pennsylvania State Police striking the curb on Hepburn Street near Wegmans. The vehicle, a 2008 Jeep Wrangler, continued to ride the curb until stopped by police.

Bower was slow, sluggish and fumbled with her documents. Police detected a strong odor of alcohol, and noted that Bower had bloodshot, glassy eyes, court documents said.

Bower admitted to consuming alcohol, and failed a field sobriety test, police allege.

Lab results reported Bower’s BAC as 0.25.

She was charged with DUI, having a BAC 0.16 and greater, a summary offense, waived her preliminary hearing, and was released on $5,000 bail.

In another case, at 1:30 a.m. on April 22, 2022, Pennsylvania State Police observed a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee traveling on Sheridan Street in the city, without headlights or tail lights illuminated.

Upon initiating a traffic stop, the driver, Danielle Green, of 1775 Randall Circle, was observed to have bloodshot, glassy eyes with dilated pupils. When informed that her vehicle smelled of burnt marijuana, she admitted to not having a medical marijuana card, but smoking it in her vehicle, because she could not smoke it in her building, police allege.

Green failed a field sobriety test, and admitted to smoking around “10-something,” according to an affidavit.

Lab results were positive for multiple controlled substances.

Green was charged with DUI, a summary offense, waived her preliminary hearing, and released on $5,000 bail.

In another case, at 9 p.m. on May 18, Hughesville Borough Police were dispatched to Cemetery and South Railroad streets for a vehicle swerving all over the road. Police were further advised that the vehicle had struck the front porch of 98 Cemetery St.

Upon arrival, the officer observed a 2015 Nissan Armada parked in the front yard of the residence, with minor damage to both the house and vehicle. A resident of the address gave police a description of the male driver, identified as Jaxson Ohara, of 1110 Baldwin St. The witness also gave the officer the direction Ohara was headed in after leaving his vehicle, indicating he had fled on foot. The witness also relayed that she believed the driver to be intoxicated due to his difficulty walking.

The officer located the driver, and attempted a stop, but the male refused, and an on-foot pursuit ensued. The officer repeatedly told the male to stop, before deploying his taser. Once on the ground, Ohara continued to resist being taken into custody until threatened with the taser again, police allege.

After being informed of why he was being arrested, Ohara repeatedly told police that he was “only traveling,” and ran because he was scared. He also had bloodshot, glossy eyes and smelled of alcohol. Ohara also had trouble walking to the point where police had to help him to the patrol car, an affidavit states.

A witness who contacted 911 identified Ohara as being the sole occupant of the crashed vehicle, stating her belief that he was intoxicated due to the difficulty he was having walking. A second witness confirmed the information provided previously.

While attempting to locate Ohara’s insurance information and personal belongings, police discovered a total of 13 empty 50 ML bottles of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey, along with a further 6 full bottles in the vehicle, according to court documents.

Ohara refused a blood test, stating that he wished to speak to his lawyer, police allege.

As part of the investigation, police interviewed the first reporting witness, who stated that she first observed Ohara swerving within the northbound lane of State Route 405, and upon reaching a red light, Ohara did not move once the light turned green.

The witness’ driver honked to get Ohara’s attention, and subsequently saw Ohara cutting off and blocking traffic, before he pulled into the parking lot of Buck’s Lumber, according to court documents.

On her way back home, the witness observed Ohara sitting in the front yard of 98 Cemetery St. with its hazard lights activated.

Ohara was charged with DUI, resisting arrest and 6 summary offenses. He was arraigned in front of Judge William Solomon, waived a preliminary hearing, and was released on $25,000 monetary bail.

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