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Covering all angles to grind safely

Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023

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26 June 2023

The data has prompted SafeWork SA to highlight the serious dangers of using angle grinders without appropriate controls in place.

Angle grinders are extremely powerful tools and have the potential to cause serious injury or fatalities.

Flying debris from the material being cut can result in severe lacerations. Sparks caused by grinding can ignite fires.

Discs can disintegrate, releasing fragments that can damage the operators’ eyes or body.

A review of SafeWork SA’s compliance database has identified 23 notifiable incidents this financial year.

In an incident in December, a worker who was not wearing appropriate PPE while using an angle grinder, suffered serious burns when airborne sparks caused his shirt to catch fire.

The worker spent six days in the Royal Adelaide Hospital Burns Unit, receiving treatment for serious burns to his chest, back and arm.

The worker's burnt clothing.

Other serious angle grinder incidents throughout the year include:

Businesses and workers must ensure safe systems of work are developed, implemented, and maintained to minimise the risks associated with angle grinders.

Elimination of the hazards or substitution with safer equipment should always be the first option, particularly when a safer alternative cutting tool is available.

Risk control measures could include:
